
 Англійсько-російський словник - терміни, додані користувачем ART Vancouver: 26.213  << | >>

9.05.2024 8:19:06 держ. replacement birth certificate повторное свидетельство о рождении
9.05.2024 6:49:20 утил.відх. electronic recycling повторное использование электронных отходов
9.05.2024 6:47:50 заг. in all essential respects по всем основным параметрам (Human-like in all essential respects, the beings were nevertheless small, like normal people in miniature. mysteriousuniverse.org)
9.05.2024 6:45:53 заг. in the entire country of по всей территории (если речь идёт об отдельном государстве: in the entire country of Ukraine)
9.05.2024 6:09:44 заг. be done with the problem покончить с проблемой (Since the advancement of drone technology, Randle believes the volume of drugs coming into prisons is "way different." “The volume now is crazy. We're seeing packages coming in that we would see crossing a border normally that you'd see on like border shows, and now they're dropping that kind of package into a prison,” he says. -- "Hmm, so why aren't the prisoners, sorry inmates, locked down 24/7? Make all prisons, sorry, holiday hotels, a Supermax and be done with this problem. But as usual, it isn't Corrections Canada that run the prisons, sorry, the spas. What a sorry country we live in now, sorry inhabit." -- чтобы покончить с этой проблемой (nsnews.com))
9.05.2024 6:02:13 авіац. take-over перехват управления (беспилотником: Correctional officers working at the institutions are the ones typically watching and intercepting drones. Randle notes drone-detection technology uses radar, sound or frequency to spot the devices. “There are certain technologies where it just detects it and there are certain technologies where it actually allows you to take control of the drone,” he says. In Canada, the take-over drone technology is not legal. (nsnews.com))
9.05.2024 5:58:17 авіац. take control of the drone перехватить управление беспилотником (Correctional officers working at the institutions are the ones typically watching and intercepting drones. Randle notes drone-detection technology uses radar, sound or frequency to spot the devices. “There are certain technologies where it just detects it and there are certain technologies where it actually allows you to take control of the drone,” he says. In Canada, the take-over drone technology is not legal. (nsnews.com))
9.05.2024 6:11:14 авіац. drop-off сброс груза беспилотником (также drone drop: Watch: A look inside illegal drone deliveries at B.C.'s prisons. A new pilot project using drone-detecting technology aims to intercept the "crazy" number of drop-offs happening inside B.C.'s prisons. The Union of Canadian Correctional Officers says the number of drones dropping off weapons and drugs into B.C.'s prisons is "daily" with packages coming in different disguises, shapes and sizes. Violence is also increasing, says Randle, who credits it to the drone drops. He’s seen pocket knives, brass knuckles and ceramic knives inside the institutions. Cellphones are also being dropped and then used to pinpoint an inmate’s exact location in the prison. “The drone can actually fly right to that cellphone and then an inmate reaches out and grabs the package,” Randle says, adding there are more cellphones in prisons now than ever before. (nsnews.com))
9.05.2024 5:45:21 несхв. blast music включить на полную громкость музыку ("Who is the idiot walking the seawall with his portable speaker in a cart? I see him daily now and tonight at almost eleven he’s blasting music and using an air horn as he walks the seawall around Сoal Harbour." "I’ve heard it more than once on the seawall and in Stanley Park…not always from the same person. I had to ask myself if I am getting old and intolerant (I’m 46) or if this is just rude behavior. I’m going with rude." (Reddit))
9.05.2024 5:20:23 перен. fend off дать отпор (The 60-year-old contractor was killed trying to fend off a copper thief from his business. • To fend off bugs and infections, Dr. Wallach recommended using colloidal silver drops placed under the tongue ten minutes before meals. (coasttocoastam.com))
9.05.2024 3:28:20 банк. lending rate процентная ставка по кредитам (также lending interest rate: What is the lending interest rate today? : the current lending rate in Canada • Сегодня смогут развиваться крупные корпорации с гос. поддержкой. Процентная ставка по кредитам заоблачная. (из рус. источников))
9.05.2024 3:16:30 кліше decrease in the number of снижение числа (Reduction of an organic compound results in a decrease in the number of carbon-heteroatom bonds, and/or an increase in the number of carbon-hydrogen bonds. (chem.libretexts.org) • «В то же время, при снижении числа ДТП, на 7% выросло число наездов на пешеходов, причем 47,9% наездов произошли на пешеходных переходах», — сообщил Сергей Сигунов. (из рус. источников))
8.05.2024 9:30:05 кліше let me get this straight погоди, давай разберёмся (Now let me get this straight, as a concerned citizen, wanting the best for the community, wishing to speak, critique and have a little input about an identified development site, the gag order is in, I cannot orally address the matter with my elected officials in council chambers. This is what I cannot do. But what I can do, is take my 2.5 grams of crack cocaine, go to the plaza at City Hall and smoke myself half-dead, this is O.K.This is what the Province of British Columbia thinks is good government...yeah right... (nsnews.com))
8.05.2024 9:23:08 офіц. be in contravention of нарушать ("City of North Van bans residents from speaking to council on redevelopments. Staff say comments from the public may put the city at risk of a lawsuit." -- "Is the ban not in contravention of Free Speech?" "I don't recognize North Van anymore and I don't recognize Canada and all its restrictions. It's not the place I grew up in. We have less rights, less freedom of speech and now no say in what will really affect homeowners." "It just gets better and better under the current administration, does it not?")
8.05.2024 9:10:02 заг. have no obligation не обязан (+ infinitive: We may, but have no obligation to remove, edit, block, and/or monitor any accounts. -- Мы можем, но не обязаны ...)
8.05.2024 9:10:23 заг. is under no obligation не обязан (+ infinitive: The Chairman is under no obligation to accept or reject any particular late proxy. • The ride hailing industry is currently under no obligation to provide these services.)
8.05.2024 9:10:39 заг. not obligated не обязан (+ infinitive: Coun. Don Bell was the lone Nay vote on the rezoning. Bell said he preferred more “managed growth.” “We are not forced or obligated to approve any specific rezoning just because the OCP maximum limits are not exceeded. I think this is over development on this particular lot in this particular location.” -- мы не обязаны (nsnews.com))
8.05.2024 8:50:31 комун.госп. portable washroom мобильный туалет (A portable washroom for bus drivers sits on site. TransLink hasn't said if public washrooms will be coming to the refurbished transit hub.)
8.05.2024 8:50:31 комун.госп. portable washroom мобильная туалетная кабина (A portable washroom for bus drivers sits on site. TransLink hasn't said if public washrooms will be coming to the refurbished transit hub.)
8.05.2024 8:44:22 рег.руху painted crosswalk пешеходный переход "зебра" (Painted crosswalks guide transit users to various stops at the transit hub.)
8.05.2024 8:40:55 нерух. residential development многоквартирное здание (A number of new residential developments are being built near Phibbs Exchange.)
8.05.2024 8:40:55 нерух. residential development многоквартирный дом (A number of new residential developments are being built near Phibbs Exchange.)
8.05.2024 8:40:55 нерух. residential development многосемейный дом (A number of new residential developments are being built near Phibbs Exchange.)
8.05.2024 8:35:39 торг. retail space торговое помещение (A new retail space along Main Street will likely feature a coffee shop.)
8.05.2024 8:32:50 гром.трансп. transit rider пассажир (применительно к общественному транспорту: Transit riders walk through the new transit hub.)
8.05.2024 8:31:20 гром.трансп. bike locker камера хранения для велосипеда (Seven new bike lockers are available at the new Phibbs Exchange.)
8.05.2024 8:23:56 гром.трансп. get ready to board a bus приготовиться к посадке (Passengers get ready to board a bus to Metrotown.)
8.05.2024 8:20:45 гром.трансп. navigate справляться (о транспортном средстве, говоря о сложных условиях вождения: The bus loop's new design is easier to navigate for articulated buses.)
8.05.2024 8:18:43 гром.трансп. station автостанция (также применяются термины exchange и bus loop: The 210 Mountain Highway Express bus leaves the station. (nsnews.com) • Автостанция Новоясеневская расположена в районе Ясенево. (из рус. источников))
8.05.2024 7:29:08 офіц. rigours строгие требования (the rigours involved in book craftsmanship – строгие требования, без которых невозможно высококачественное изготовление книг вручную)
8.05.2024 7:24:00 заг. accept sb.'s invitation to dinner принять приглашение на ужин (At the employment agency, Max meets Jenny Mercer (played by Theresa Russell), who helps him land scale-wage work at a can factory. Jenny accepts his invitation to dinner, where it's clear that she is smitten by this worldly and seemingly gentle ex-con. (Wiki))
8.05.2024 7:22:46 заг. accept sb.'s invitation принять чьё-л. приглашение
8.05.2024 7:21:44 держ. adopt recommendations принять предложенные рекомендации
8.05.2024 7:21:14 держ. adopt a bylaw принять постановление (об органах местной власти, обычно о решениях муниципалитета)
8.05.2024 7:18:09 кадри hire as принять на должность (Вариант employ скорее выражает *состояние*, чем действие, работу *в течение какого-либо срока* на некой должности: Last year I was hired as a financial analyst for Coastal Airlines.)
8.05.2024 7:16:41 заг. take action against принять меры против (кого-л.)
8.05.2024 6:42:17 заг. get involved принимать участие (in an activity: Since urban forestry is located where people live, work, and play, it’s really important that they get involved and engaged in the trees around them. (insidevancouver.ca))
8.05.2024 6:34:20 заг. set up an organization создать организацию (It's a non-profit organization set up to assist disabled Canadian athletes.)
8.05.2024 6:26:59 заг. leave the appearance of sth. behind sb. создать видимость (чего-л., после ухода: He cracked the old man's skull with a gun butt and went through his safe, perhaps found some money, perhaps found nothing, at any rate left the appearance of a stickup behind him. (Raymond Chandler))
8.05.2024 6:20:10 ідіом. have second thoughts сожалеть (о принятом решении: Just as you announced your retirement, the company revealed its plans to expand into China. Any second thoughts? – Вы не жалеете о своём решении?)
8.05.2024 6:16:43 ідіом. charge an arm and a leg содрать втридорога (с кого-л., за что-л.: I bet they charge an arm and a leg for that. – Они наверняка сдерут с тебя втридорога за него. • You need to find a company that won't charge you an arm and a leg for that.)
8.05.2024 6:13:30 юр., дог. as the First Party, ... as the Second Party с одной стороны... с другой стороны
8.05.2024 5:45:45 комп. electronic transmission of data передача данных в электронном виде
8.05.2024 5:44:54 под. e-filing передача налоговой отчётности в электронном формате (an electronic tax return filing system for the general public • there are no additional costs associated with e-filing)
8.05.2024 5:35:30 ідіом. stands to reason логично (‘I don't see that,' I said. ‘I should have thought a mature, experienced man of the world would have been far more likely to bring home the bacon than a novice like myself, who as a child was never any good at hunt-the-slipper. Stands to reason.' -- Это логично. (P.G. Wodehouse))
8.05.2024 4:46:21 пестл. sweet kitty кошечка (Soon after, she got a call saying her cat was near Riverside, California, after being found in a box along with steel-toed boots that had been returned to an Amazon warehouse. Clark’s husband had ordered several pairs of boots, kept one and returned the rest in a large box on April 10. “We realized that that our sweet kitty must have jumped into that box without us knowing,” she said. apnews.com)
8.05.2024 4:40:15 поет. tearful со слезами на глазах (Galena, a 6-year-old house cat from Utah, likes hiding and playing with cardboard. Earlier this month, the combination of the two made for a stressful trip in an Amazon package, a feverish search, a California rescue and a tearful reunion. (apnews.com))
8.05.2024 3:53:51 тлб. show передача (Critically Acclaimed TV Shows • The Best Shows For Toddlers and Kids From PBS • Сам не видел передачу, но говорят, что несколько лет назад у Малахова была внучка Брежнева. И когда её деда хаяли, оно ответила в том же духе, мол "нынешняя власть не может даже покрасить то, что строил мой дед!" (из рус. источников))
7.05.2024 11:27:24 бізн. environmentally responsible на основе принципов экологической ответственности (Some material from this species is reported to be available from environmentally responsible sources.)
7.05.2024 11:20:49 рекл. appealing соблазнительный (With appealing red blush-coloured skin and light, fluffy texture, our red little potato varieties can brighten up any meal.)
7.05.2024 10:23:29 мод. fashion spread разворот журнала с модной коллекцией одежды
7.05.2024 10:17:44 несхв. fool around with women развлекаться с женщинами (He didn't fool around with women. He loved his wife and never cheated on her.)
7.05.2024 10:16:08 юр., дог. entertainment Развлекательные материалы (из контракта с Ютубом: Branded Entertainment)
7.05.2024 9:46:19 мед. bring to the emergency room привезти в "скорую помощь" (She stuck her baby in a suitcase and brought it to the emergency room.)
7.05.2024 9:29:25 заг. full details подробные сведения (full details on your intended course of study)
7.05.2024 7:51:51 заг. share details подробности сходятся (напр., о рассказах очевидцев: This unsettling story is not unique. There are dozens of similar accounts of so-called dark watchers by hikers in the Santa Lucia Mountains near Big Sur, California. The stories often share details: The figure stands seven to 10 feet tall and has a walking stick and hat, for example. No one has ever been able to interact with the looming figures—they always disappear once the hiker acknowledges them. (atlasobscura.com) • Некоторые подробности сходятся, но и некоторые расходятся с тем, что мы знаем. (litprichal.ru))
7.05.2024 7:33:11 кліше muster up the courage набраться храбрости (также muster the courage, без up: I had never been able to muster up the courage to pop the question until now. • As golden hour settles in around a hiker in the Santa Lucia Mountains of the Central California Coast, what should be a peaceful moment in nature turns to one of panic. The solo traveler can’t shake the feeling he’s being watched. Looking around wildly, his gaze settles on an eerie figure surrounded by swirling mist on a peak ahead. It looks like a very tall human with a walking stick and hat, just watching. Mustering the courage, the hiker steps toward the figure. As he does, the mysterious being quickly vanishes into the surrounding fog, leaving the hiker with a sense of dread. Нe has just encountered a notorious “dark watcher.” (atlasobscura.com))
7.05.2024 7:28:32 перен. nest устроиться (A nomad from birth who bounced from coast to coast and from foster home to apartment to hotel, Marilyn Monroe at age 35 finally found in Brentwood a place where she could cozily nest after three failed marriages. The Latin inscription on tiles embedded in the front stoop served notice that Monroe felt she had succeeded in her quest for a safe haven: “Cursum Perficio,” or “I have completed my journey.” -- смогла уютно устроиться (latimes.com))
7.05.2024 7:25:10 турист. solo одинокий (As golden hour settles in around a hiker in the Santa Lucia Mountains of the Central California Coast, what should be a peaceful moment in nature turns to one of panic. The solo traveler can’t shake the feeling he’s being watched. Looking around wildly, his gaze settles on an eerie figure surrounded by swirling mist on a peak ahead. It looks like a very tall human with a walking stick and hat, just watching... -- одинокий путник (atlasobscura.com))
7.05.2024 7:24:29 турист. solo одиночка (As golden hour settles in around a hiker in the Santa Lucia Mountains of the Central California Coast, what should be a peaceful moment in nature turns to one of panic. The solo traveler can’t shake the feeling he’s being watched. Looking around wildly, his gaze settles on an eerie figure surrounded by swirling mist on a peak ahead. It looks like a very tall human with a walking stick and hat, just watching... -- путник-одиночка (atlasobscura.com))
7.05.2024 6:36:44 геофіз. Earth's electromagnetic field электромагнитное поле Земли (Charlotte King, a pioneer of biological earthquake forecasting, has been predicting earthquakes, volcanoes, and solar flares since 1979. The tests conducted on her revealed that she can hear extremely low frequencies in the two to seven Hertz range and below, and pick up minute changes in the Earth's electromagnetic field. (coasttocoastam.com))
7.05.2024 6:31:25 турист. draw visitors привлечь туристов (To that end, Higashishirakawa is not the only village in Japan to have embraced the curious cryptid as the town of Shimokitayama has also adopted the tsuchinoko as something of a mascot in the hopes of drawing visitors to the struggling community. (coasttocoastam.com))
7.05.2024 6:30:38 турист. woo tourists привлечь туристов (шутл. оттенок: It's a marketing tool to woo tourists. – для привлечения туристов)
7.05.2024 5:25:58 торг. outdoor patio летняя площадка (перед кафе, рестораном, также summer patio: How to Add an Outdoor Patio to Your Restaurant – Outdoor dining has blossomed into a common and profitable style of restaurant service. (katom.com) • On December 12, 2022, Council approved a new outdoor patio program to allow sidewalk seating and patios, as well as patios on private property. • If you are planning to apply for a new summer patio location for your restaurant, email us now to get information on how to apply. • Севастопольские кафе и рестораны вновь освободили от арендной платы за летние площадки – до конца 2024 года. Соответствующие изменения в региональное законодательство были приняты городским правительством 2 мая. (sevastopol.su))
6.05.2024 10:58:36 заг. get frustrated испытывать обиду или раздражение (предполагает ситуативный перевод: "We're hard workers," says McDonnell. "Alex is a plumber doing manual labour all day here on the North Shore. I work full-time at my family's contracting fi rm. We make good money, and we save. But we haven't reached the point of being able to put a down payment on the type of starter home we want. And every time we pay rent, we get frustrated that we're making money but doing nothing to help build our future." – И каждый раз, когда мы платим арендную плату, нам становится обидно ... (nsnews.com))
6.05.2024 9:43:09 мед. personal health information персональные данные о состоянии здоровья
6.05.2024 9:17:33 вибори delegate obligations передавать обязательства
6.05.2024 8:47:13 кліше political and social views общественно-политические взгляды (His work greatly reflected his changing political and social views.)
6.05.2024 8:35:47 перен. organic органичный (... highly structured yet perfectly organic relationships)
6.05.2024 8:35:03 заг. organic биологически чистый
6.05.2024 8:01:38 кліше cheer up! не горюй!
6.05.2024 5:31:59 заг. run up the legal bills обойтись в крупную сумму (*только о расходах на юристов*: Meanwhile, B.C. ran up the legal bills with mostly embarrassing results. In an early foray in Federal Court, the judge said the Horgan government “does not appear to understand the basic ground rules of the complex proceeding it is seeking to enter.” (vancouversun.com))
6.05.2024 5:20:43 перен. fire back опровергнуть (Notley’s communications staffer fired back “they are not close friends and never were. They were just acquaintances who happened to work for the same organization.” (vancouversun.com))
6.05.2024 5:20:43 перен. fire back отпарировать (Notley’s communications staffer fired back “they are not close friends and never were. They were just acquaintances who happened to work for the same organization.” (vancouversun.com))
6.05.2024 5:20:43 перен. fire back парировать (Notley’s communications staffer fired back “they are not close friends and never were. They were just acquaintances who happened to work for the same organization.” (vancouversun.com))
6.05.2024 4:58:52 бібл. praise благословить ("Praise the Lord, all his works everywhere in his dominion." = "Благословите Господа все дела Его, на всяком месте владычества Его" (Psalm 103, соотв. православному Пс. 102))
6.05.2024 4:55:01 бібл. in heaven на Небеси ("The Lord has established his throne in heaven, and his kingdom rules over all." = "Господь на Небеси уготова Престол Свой, и Царство Его всеми обладает." (Psalm 103, соотв. православному Пс. 102))
6.05.2024 4:51:48 бібл. keep the covenant хранить завет ("... and his righteousness with their children’s children—with those who keep his covenant and remember to obey his precepts" = "... хранящих завет Его" (Psalm 103, соотв. православному Пс. 102))
6.05.2024 4:37:22 бібл. have compassion on ущедрить ("As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him ..." (Psalm 103) = "Якоже щедрит отец сыны, ущедри Господь боящихся Его" (соотв. православному Пс. 102))
6.05.2024 4:37:22 бібл. have compassion on щедрить ("As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him ..." (Psalm 103) = "Якоже щедрит отец сыны, ущедри Господь боящихся Его" (соотв. православному Пс. 102))
6.05.2024 4:11:47 бібл. compassionate щедрый ("The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love." (Psalm 103) = "Щедр и милостив Господь, долготерпелив и многомилостив." (соотв. православному Пс. 102))
6.05.2024 5:08:04 бібл. benefits воздаяния ("Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits..." = "... и не забывай всех воздаяний Его" (Psalm 103, соотв. православному Пс. 102))
6.05.2024 5:00:46 бібл. sins беззакония ("Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits—who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases ..." = "... очищающаго вся беззакония твоя" (Psalm 103, соотв. православному Пс. 102))
6.05.2024 4:02:07 бібл. ways пути ("He made known his ways to Moses, his deeds to the people of Israel" (Psalm 103) = "Сказа пути Своя Моисеови, сыновом Израилевым хотения Своя" (соотв. православному Пс. 102))
6.05.2024 4:58:52 бібл. praise благословить ("Praise the Lord, all his works everywhere in his dominion." = "Благословите Господа все дела Его, на всяком месте владычества Его" (Psalm 103, соотв. православному Пс. 102))
6.05.2024 3:20:22 несхв. indeed! этого ещё не хватало! (возмущённо: “How do you do, Mrs. Wigg,” said Jane politely. “Mrs. Wigg!” said the thin lady angrily. “How dare you call me Mrs. Wigg? No, thank you! I am plain Miss Persimmon and I am proud of it! Mrs. Wigg, indeed! Go upstairs and to the first door on the landing.” She seemed to be quite upset. -- Миссис Уигг, этого ещё не хватало! (Pamela Travers))
6.05.2024 3:10:31 політ. block shipment заблокировать поставки (сырья, материалов; в качестве санкции: When Heyman threatened to block the movement of bitumen through the pipeline, Notley threatened her province would boycott B.C. wine. Horgan, fearing a trade war, backed off. Later, Alberta fired back with a law that would block shipment of refined gasoline and other petroleum products to British Columbia. B.C. protested, threatening legal action. (vancouversun.com))
6.05.2024 2:33:47 кліше suffice to say достаточно лишь сказать, что (Suffice to say, the idea didn't catch on.)
5.05.2024 10:38:35 ідіом. back off дать задний ход (The New Democrats shifted their focus to trying to regulate the bitumen (heavy oil) that would be carried from Alberta. It triggered a bitter showdown with Alberta Premier Rachel Notley, leader of the country’s other NDP government. When Heyman threatened to block the movement of bitumen through the pipeline, Notley threatened her province would boycott B.C. wine. Horgan, fearing a trade war, backed off. -- дал задний ход (vancouversun.com))
5.05.2024 9:41:50 вибори make election promises обещать перед выборами (The new attorney general, David Eby, further confirmed that the province could not unreasonably stall or reject any permits on the project. To do so would invite a lawsuit of ruinous proportions from Kinder Morgan, builder of the expansion project. “We’ll end up paying hundreds of millions of dollars to an oil company that should be going to schools and hospitals,” said Eby. He may have known that limitation before his party began making election promises it couldn’t keep. Still the promises had been made. So Horgan and his government carried on with an effort that was to be as expensive as it was futile. (vancouversun.com))
5.05.2024 9:41:50 вибори make election promises раздавать предвыборные обещания (The new attorney general, David Eby, further confirmed that the province could not unreasonably stall or reject any permits on the project. To do so would invite a lawsuit of ruinous proportions from Kinder Morgan, builder of the expansion project. “We’ll end up paying hundreds of millions of dollars to an oil company that should be going to schools and hospitals,” said Eby. He may have known that limitation before his party began making election promises it couldn’t keep. Still the promises had been made. So Horgan and his government carried on with an effort that was to be as expensive as it was futile. (vancouversun.com))
5.05.2024 8:57:41 юр. beyond the jurisdiction of не входящий в юрисдикцию (“The premier had been given the legal advice that stopping the project was beyond the jurisdiction of B.C. and frame our actions around doing it would be inappropriate and unlawful,” said Heyman. “He advised me not to do that.” (vancouversun.com) -- остановка проекта не входит в юрисдикцию провинции)
5.05.2024 8:52:10 заг. stop from going ahead не допустить (чего-л.: When crude oil finally started flowing through the much delayed and wildly overbudget Trans Mountain pipeline expansion this week, it confirmed a final defeat for the B.C. New Democrats. They campaigned against it in 2017, vowing to “use every tool in the tool box to stop the project from going ahead.” The promise was reinforced in the power-sharing agreement with the Green party that brought them into office: “Immediately employ every tool available to the new government to stop the expansion of the pipeline.” (vancouversun.com))
5.05.2024 8:48:16 авто. keep the engine running не глушить мотор
5.05.2024 6:37:07 сарк. way to go, guys! молодцы! (Thanks Mr Mayor! So you’re going to have a city exclusively for filthy rich Chinese immigrants and old white folks so young low-income Canadian workers can come here from Surrey and PoCo to serve them hot food, walk their dogs and take away their garbage? Way to go guys! – Ну вы и молодцы!)
5.05.2024 6:14:29 сарк. great work молодцы (выражая неодобрение: "Thousands of cancellations of visits to British Columbia this summer as tourists are forced to make other plans. Courtesy of the BC NDP who are shutting down long-time, legal vacation rentals across BC May 1st." "Great work, NDP. If the real estate market is slow this spring, we definitely need tourism." (Twitter))
5.05.2024 6:14:29 сарк. great work молодец (выражая неодобрение: "Thousands of cancellations of visits to British Columbia this summer as tourists are forced to make other plans. Courtesy of the BC NDP who are shutting down long-time, legal vacation rentals across BC May 1st." "Great work, NDP. If the real estate market is slow this spring, we definitely need tourism." (Twitter))
5.05.2024 4:38:12 страх. worth of damage убыток на сумму (сумма проставляется в англ. варианте спереди ($... worth of damage), а в рус. в конце: It took three separate extractions to remove the entire hive and all its occupants. In total, around 60,000 bees and 45kg of honeycomb was removed from the house. The bees had also managed to cause around $20,000 worth of damage to the property. (unexplained-mysteries.com))
5.05.2024 4:27:38 заг. overactive imagination слишком живое воображение (Usually when a young child claims that there is a monster in their closet in the dead of night, it is fair to assume that it is little more than a case of an overactive imagination. This was certainly the first thing that the parents of one 3-year-old girl thought when she began complaining of 'monsters' in the walls of her bedroom in Charlotte, North Carolina recently. But as time went on and the young girl continued to express concern about monsters in her closet, her mother began to suspect that she might not actually be making things up. (unexplained-mysteries.com))
5.05.2024 4:27:38 заг. overactive imagination чересчур богатое воображение (Usually when a young child claims that there is a monster in their closet in the dead of night, it is fair to assume that it is little more than a case of an overactive imagination. This was certainly the first thing that the parents of one 3-year-old girl thought when she began complaining of 'monsters' in the walls of her bedroom in Charlotte, North Carolina recently. But as time went on and the young girl continued to express concern about monsters in her closet, her mother began to suspect that she might not actually be making things up. (unexplained-mysteries.com))

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